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    "This is the best book I have read on managing the debt and equity of a home through the use of a Mortgage. Mortgage Power explains in concise easy to understand language how many people can effectively use a Mortgage to improve their personal finances and the pitfalls of assuming one should not have a mortgage."
    – Ari Greenman, Lenox Advisors
    "The Mortgage Power is an outstanding guide for anyone considering the purchase of a home or updating their current mortgage. Lloyd Streisand has spent decades advising clients on the most complex mortgage and financial strategies. In this book, he creatively outlines the mortgage as a financial tool and helps readers understand the sophistication and power behind the mortgage as a financial product. Lloyd is a seasoned author and creates a dynamic narrative, allowing every reader to understand the value of the mortgage as a valuable tool and a part of any successful financial plan."
    – Sarah Berman, President, The Berman Group, Inc.
    "After a 22 year career in banking, and another 22 years running an advertising agency that primarily serves banks and credit unions... I thought I knew something about mortgages. Now I realize I knew NOTHING! But Lloyd is the Sensei of mortgages, and this book is a complete wake up call to how you should be using yours. Forget the old idea of considering only a 30 year fixed loan - or worse, as Lloyd points out - a 15 year fixed mortgage, paying it off and having a block party when you\'re mortgage free: that can cost you money! Lloyd explains how a mortgage can be your ticket to wealth and a comfortable retirement. And we thought it was our biggest liability! Lloyd's book is enlightenment for all who want to live a comfortable life. Thank you, Grasshopper!"
    – Ken Greenberg, President & CEO Austin & Williams
    "Lloyd is one of the most respected mortgage bankers in America. MORTGAGE POWER delivers timely advice for American Homeowners.  This book blends common-sense CPA strategies with innovative mortgage solutions to deliver a 21st century approach to mortgage management."
    – Steven Marshall, CEO Mortgage Executive Magazine
    "I thoroughly enjoyed your book “Mortgage Power.” Your writing is clear, concise and understandable. Anyone who retains the book can use it as a guide for financing their mortgage."
    – Louis J. Cappelli, Chairman, Sterling National Bank
    "Lloyd and his Team are set to change how people think about their mortgage. Chapter 5 says it all \"Changing a Liability into an Asset\". That\'s how you change your thinking and start accumulating wealth at a faster pace than you ever thought possible."
    – Jim Sorebo
    "I recently had the pleasure of reading your book "Mortgage Power". It was an enlightening read for me - as a financial planner - and am sure will be a most important read for clients. The book is an important explanation of how mortgages, sold by professionals like you, can be used most effectively to enhance the finances of many clients in the accumulation and withdrawal phases of there lives. Thanks for writing this most valuable book."
    – Ian S. Baker, Price Raffel & Browne, LLC
    "Great reading for the inexperienced borrowers.  Your review and analysis of the process and available product is superb.  It should be a must read for the uninitiated before they apply for their first mortgage. I would recommend the book to all of my first time buying clients as soon into the process as they would look to me for representation. For the seasoned borrower a periodic re-read would likewise be helpful in analyzing their current position and available alternatives for improving it. All in all, if you are first applicant for a mortgage, the book is a must  and if you are in the process of just reviewing your family finances (which we should all do periodically) it serves as a wonderful aid in analyzing alternatives."
    – Allen L. Finkelstein, Partner
    "I thought you presented the case for how to utilize the mortgage as an earning vehicle as well as I've seen anyone do. I like how you simplified it, gave great real-world examples and used some simple graphs and illustrations to make your point…I think it was Isaac Newton who said 'Truth is ever to be found in simplicity and not the multiplicity and confusion of things.' I would (and will) recommend your book to my friends and colleagues.”
    – Steve Scanlon, President, RewireInc.com
    "This book taught me that selecting the right mortgage professional is a key ingredient to getting on the right track with your life plan because they will simplify the process and help you make the right choices. Before reading Mortgage Power – An Asset in the Making, I was always a bit confused with the whole mortgage process. This book made everything seem so simple and taught me I can create an investment account during the mortgage process as well!

    It helps you understand that a mortgage is not something fixed that you must keep for the entire term of the loan; rather, it is a “commodity” you can manage and change at will for whatever reason. My entire outlook on a mortgage changed after reading Mortgage Power – An Asset in the Making. All I can think about is the money I am going to make after following this book’s advice. I recommend this book to anyone wanting to understand a mortgage and know what their options really are when it comes to a mortgage. It will help you develop a solid plan for life and you’ll sleep better at night knowing you are in control of your mortgage."
    – Kayla A., Portland OR
    "I was surprised to find a book about mortgages that focused more on non-financial topics that are not directly related to money. Other mortgage books I have read just rambled on about the same old mortgage lingo and seemed to make things more complicated. Mortgage Power – An Asset in the Making showed me how to leverage the power of my mortgage to build financial success. After reading this book, I can use my mortgage as a tool in my financial plan to help me build and accumulate wealth.

    This book showed me that the traditional ways of setting up a mortgage are a thing of the past. A relic from the old days of early America. Nobody will ever view a mortgage the same after reading this book because it shows you how to actually create money from a mortgage while still paying it off.

    I’m so happy I found a book that showed me how to turn one of life’s biggest investments into a guaranteed profit. Mortgage Power – An Asset in the Making will be an essential tool to me in the years to come, and as our economy keeps changing at a rapid pace."
    – James A., Butte MT
    "I never knew my grandfather, but I did know my father, and his plan was to pay off his mortgage as soon as possible. Every month he sent in extra cash to be applied to the principle. I thought this was the only way to do it, so I did the very same thing on my homes…How wrong I was.

    The book is concise, thorough, and to the point. In the first chapter, Streisand points out how much the world has changed and how we are so much different than our grandparents were. Then he asks why we hold on to methods that are basically outdated. 30-year mortgages worked for our grandparents, but they no longer apply in the fast-paced world we now live in. World economies are globalizing. Company pensions are a thing of the past. We don’t work (or live) in the same place our entire lives, so why remain loyal to a mortgage designed for that?

    The book presents what the author calls “The Four-Step Process,” a method to stabilize and grow your personal finances. It also talks about “The Number,” which represents an amount of money you will need to live comfortably into the future. The Number is critical to our well-being, since we can no longer rely on our employers to help us reach it with a pension plan. We have to do it ourselves, and this book presents a proven method to do that. Having owned three homes in my lifetime, all with a 30-year fixed rate mortgage, I now realize I missed a tremendous opportunity. Too bad I didn’t know about these concepts sooner.”
    – Mary M., Reno NV